How do I find my class code

​·Q2W1&2·Q2W3&4·Q2W5&6·Q2W7&8.Quarter3>.Q3Week1&2·Q3W3&4·Q3Week5&6·Q3Weeks7&8·Q3Weeks9-11ish.Quarter4>.Q4Weeks1&2 ...,EasilycreatebeautifulinteractivevideolessonsforyourstudentsyoucanintegraterightintoyourLMS.Trackstudents'progresswithhassle-free...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Ed Puzzle Class Codes

​ · Q2W1&2 · Q2W3&4 · Q2W5&6 · Q2 W7&8. Quarter 3 >. Q3 Week 1&2 · Q3W3&4 · Q3 Week 5&6 · Q3 Weeks 7&8 · Q3 Weeks 9-11ish. Quarter 4 >. Q4 Weeks 1&2 ...


Easily create beautiful interactive video lessons for your students you can integrate right into your LMS. Track students' progress with hassle-free ...

How do I join a class?

Click the plus sign (+) next to “My Classes” in the menu on the left-hand side of your page. · Enter the class code given to you by your teacher in the pop-up ...

My child doesn't know their class code

If your child is being prompted for a class code, double-check that they are logging into Edpuzzle with the same email address they use for their LMS.

Joining a Class

When you have a class code: Head to Click “Open class” at the top of your page. Enter the class code provided by your teacher and then click the “ ...

How do I find my class code?

If you're being prompted for a class code, double-check that you are logging into Edpuzzle with the same email address you use for your LMS.

How do I invite new students to my class?

Once you've created your class, you're ready to invite your students! You can do this by sharing either your class code or a direct class link with them.

For Students

When you have a class code: Head to Click “Open class” at the top of your page. Enter the class code provided by your teacher and then click the “ ...

How do I find my class code

How do I find my class code. 14K views · 6 years ago ESTADOS ... Integrating Google Classroom with EdPuzzle. Technology for Teachers ...

How to Create Edpuzzle Class & Invite Students

How to create a class on EdPuzzle? How to invite students to your EdPuzzle class? What is an open class? How to integrate Google Classroom ...


​·Q2W1&2·Q2W3&4·Q2W5&6·Q2W7&8.Quarter3>.Q3Week1&2·Q3W3&4·Q3Week5&6·Q3Weeks7&8·Q3Weeks9-11ish.Quarter4>.Q4Weeks1&2 ...,EasilycreatebeautifulinteractivevideolessonsforyourstudentsyoucanintegraterightintoyourLMS.Trackstudents'progresswithhassle-free ...,Clicktheplussign(+)nextto“MyClasses”inthemenuontheleft-handsideofyourpage.·Entertheclasscodegiventoyoub...